Sunday, 15 November 2015

Lifting - Is It For Me?

With today's day and age plenty of people are giving their advice on just about anything and everything. I have a small bit of impartial advice, GET LIFTING! 

Why lift??


Well with lifting come form and a change in shape these two things are great for the body and muscle and losing weight. The heavier you go the better it will be for you. Let's explain this... 

By lifting at a 65% - 80% of your maximum weight for any given exercise it will increase fat loss and tone by 40% - 60%. WOAH that's a lot. 

The purpose of this lifting heavy is to cause the muscles too fatigue and cause microscopic tears in the muscles, (yes, tears it's a good thing.) By causing these two factors it increases the need for energy to repair and recover the muscles, during recovery the body will use its primary stores of energy to provide the muscle cells with the energy to repair themselves. So it's true after a weights session you will be burning more energy during and after you finish, you can be burning energy stores down up to 48 hours after. (Obviously it will be slower but still burning off)

What are the best exercises to do for the female form?? 
CORE (Not ab exercises)

All of these exercises are needed to be done at 60% - 80% of your maximum lift with a minimum rep range of 8-12. With all of these exercises they will increase core manipulation and also increase basic strength. You can also incorporate all of these exercises into a weighted cardio circuit which will hit that horrible cardio part of exercise. 

Happy Lifting!!!!!

Cheers then, See ya 
Beth xoxo

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