Alright then, I've been quiet recently. That's purely because my stupid other half spilt juice, yes juice, all over the keyboard and damaged the internal parts of my laptop. Major calamity in my life. Buttttttttttt.....
So as we all know by now we are hitting those dark months and times where we won't want to get out of bed and do something or we'd rather be snuggled in bed with a hot choc than a black coffee. In all fairness, yes we would all love that life style but sadly we can't all do that.

I've heard so many clients say I don't want to train in this or I've got a cold I can't do it. Well push right on through that cold and sweat it out, get a move on. By now you've probably registered that winter and autumn is where everyone gets ill and germs are about, but did you know by keeping an active healthy lifestyle can improve your immune system and help keep those nasty little germs away from you.
The best things to improve your immune system are:
1) Eat plenty of green veg. Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus... THE LOT!
2) Stay hydrated, water is your best friend to flush out unwanted toxins and bacteria that can cause you harm.
3)Exercise and sweat it out. By sweating it all out you will rid yourself of all the nasty toxins and bacteria combined with staying hydrated.
4) Most of all stay positive, we all know how easy it is to let the dark nights and dark mornings make us feel down and blue about it all.
Let's kick Autumn and Winter's backside and smash our goals.
Cheers then, See ya.
Beth xoxo
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