With January 2015 just around the corner you'll be hearing a lot more of these tell tale lies and fables of the gym world, lets get a few things straight here.
There's aways those few myths and legends that are fabled in the training books. Here's a few that I've found DO NOT work or are just simply lies...
That old chestnut of just being a "Cardio Bunny", as we all know cardio is good for you but just sitting on a bike for 20-30mins a day isn't going to help you at all. You sit in a plateau for the whole time, you haven't got to change pace or use a different stride targeting different muscles. Top Tip: Change up the resistance go from really light to heavy resistance and do different amounts of time. You could even try adding in some sprint work so going for short bursts of energy and or high resistance levels for short periods of time with maximum effort, plus you won't get bored. Also mix in some weights and resistance you will burn more fat compared to just sitting on a bike or running on a treadmill. MIX IT UP!
Lifting weights makes you bulky...
As a female who will lift in excess of her body weight I am living proof that lifting weights does not make you bulky. I have also found that it's a better way to enhance your curves and tone up. Girls you won't end up looking like a man, you will end up looking better an feeling better with a better backside than those cardio bunnies. Yes if you want to look bulky then lift heavy and do less reps to enhance the muscles and push them to the point of pain (good pain).
Taking protein supplements enhance your physique. HA! This is one I really enjoy talking about, I don't take any supplements other than my Multivitamins and some extra slow release Vitamin B and Zinc. Protein shakes or supplements should only be used if you are straining your muscles to the point of tearing as these tears reform and increase muscle density, to repair these tears you need protein as it aids muscle growth and repair. (Scientific term Hypertrophy, Google it) If you are getting the right amount of protein in your diet you shouldn't need to take supplements it is only if you are at a deficit that you need to supplement with extra. But if you are a allergy sufferer like me then be careful and check your ingredients. All protein products vary so you need to pick the right one for you and your goals.
Eating fruit is healthy. Well errrrmmmm yes it is healthy but hang on shouldn't you do that everyday not just when you want to diet?! Of course that what everyone thinks but think about this - some fruit can be higher in sugar than a chocolate bar, OMG! So don't go all tropical and buy the whole fruit counter, get a few fruits and instead have more vegetables instead, they are higher in those special vitamins and minerals needed for your body to function.
The heavier you are the fatter you are! Okay so I'm happy to say I weigh around 11stone 9lbs (74kgs) and I am a size 8/10, I have a hell of a lot of muscle compared to fat. Proves muscle is heavier than fat, so don't judge the state of your health on your weight. You need to look at the percentages of fat and muscle, to look more toned you need to lose fat but gain slight muscle tone and definition.
Train everyday and you increase the chance of noticing a difference... Well yes and no, you need to train hard 100% effort at least 3 times a week to see a difference after a few weeks, it's definitely not going to be a quick fix.
Crash diets DON'T work at all. (Handy tip) These types of diets although can be successful after a short period of time are not very sustainable in comparison to healthy eating and maintaining a diverse diet.
Exercise alone will not make you lose weight, you have to also focus on your diet. What's the point in putting in awful food after a amazing workout, no point at all. Exercise makes you fit and healthy but another great big part of that is the eating side of fat loss as it has a huge impact on the process of fats and metabolism.
Sit ups... You what?! Who? The most common exercise done for the wrong reason. Sit ups focus on the upper abdomen which is the most commonly used part of your core. You need to focus on using all areas of you core as well, there are exercises for each part of your core that will help you get those super abs you deserve after all your hard work and effort.
Honestly you can't target fat burn in certain areas, no seriously. Those targeted exercises won't help no matter what people tell you. Fat storage varies in different people. Your energy system does not pick where it burns the fat from around the body to fuel your workouts. That Squat could be powered by fat on your arms, think about that one.
Don't start 2015 a complete tool in the gym, if you just stick to the rules and don't talk lies and myths to your gym buddies. These 10 myths have now been busted and you now know the truth behind all of them.
Any questions or queries don't hesitate to comment below as always.
Cheers then, see ya.
Beth xoxo
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