Tuesday, 24 November 2015

About me...

Why on earth would I write about myself.... Well I thought I would give you a bit of my background and how I came about to do the job I love. 

Reverse the clocks back 7 years ago... I was at a good level of Athletics competing for schools and county. When on my birthday (of all days) I decided it would be a great day to go and ruin my athletics career (if ever there was one). After sprinting full on at the long jump pit and missing the board on my second jump (my first jump still got me second place) I managed to jam my leg into the sand and hyperextend my knee thus snapping my ACL and damaging ALOT of cartilage. With an impressive few flips and laying in agony for 10 mins I was carried off and taken straight to an emergency doctor. "Oh no you've just sprained it!!" At this point my leg in swollen and my knee won't move and dangles. GROSS. 

9 months later, after trying to walk on it and persevere through the agony and get up after it collapsing on me when walking and the constant grinding. I managed to land myself a private doctors appointment which confirmed what we all thought SURGERY. Day operations are a life saver. In and Out on the same day. 3/4 months on crutches and a extra 3/4 months of Physio and I was able to run again. 

Netball seasons, Hockey, Football teams the lot I hit team sports hard. 

Then about 5 years ago I went to the gym for the first time ever... I'd lifted small weights for sprinting and all of that but not like I do now. 

I headed on over to the weights and did my bits. Then smashed cardio. I was your typical Cardio Bunny, I had a typically straight body with a butt and boobs. 

And then.... 

During the last 5 years I've qualified as a sports coach, PT, nutritionist, sports psychologist, rehabilitation coach and general agony aunt. 

But only in the last 2 have I turned myself into a Power Lifter. 

I lift heavy things just for the hell of training, as you do. 

Beth xoxo

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