Friday, 23 December 2016


It's the season for overindulgence, but hey Ho (Ho, Ho. Pun intended). This time of year we are susceptible to using the excuse of "it's Christmas once a year" and you promise yourself you'll get back on it come January... Is that really a good enough excuse.... 

On average on Christmas Day alone one person can consume up to 18,000 calories in all sorts of foods, okay now time that by let's say 4 (Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and Day.) 72,000 calories in the space of 4 days... WHAT!! That's pretty much 24 days normally... Okay so now I've made you feel guilty as you put that Quality Street in your mouth. Don't be guilty!!!! YES don't be, we all have to indulge in certain things now and then otherwise we deprive ourselves of a lot of things. Just don't OVERindulge on everything take a step back and ask the question do I have to have my 16th Chocolate, your answer will probably be no?! But in all honesty we are all only humans after all. 

My one tip this christmas is... 


Take time to enjoy the little things we don't appreciate during the year, take the time to look after yourself with some TLC, take the time to stop and think about what you are eating and if you do need that extra piece of Christmas Pudding!! 

Have a great one!! 

Cheers then, See ya. 


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