Saturday 17 January 2015

Work it out...

Time to mix things up on here, I have been meaning to put up a workout post. Today's workout is an all over body HIIT circuit. Don't be afraid to give it 100% of all your efforts. 

So let's kick it off with the warm up.
5- 10 mins of a level 10 resistance cross trainer or upright bike. 
Just a bit of a sweat going on there.

First of all let's start with. 
Leg Press
100kg or whatever you are comfortable to push for 10reps and 3 sets with minimal rest. 
Your set motion is a three second descent with a pause of around a second or half a second just to get the right tension, and to finish the movement an explosive finish pushing the weight up, up, up!! 
Complete all three sets, BOOM!

Time to go back to the Bike or Cross Trainer.
5 mins on a lovely level of 10 resistance. 
100% effort is needed for this to work. 

Clean and Press with a Dumbbell.
You will be needing a weight your are comfortable to lift off the floor and twist to shoulder height and press up above your head with a single arm. For beginners I usually go for 10kg or 8kg. 
Start with a simple deadlift move, when you reach hip height flick your wrist to bring it to shoulder height with your wrist parallel to your shoulder, then press the weight up above your head and tense the shoulder. Same motion applies to going back down to start again. 
10 reps each arm, 3 sets for each arm. 

Time to go back to the Bike or Cross Trainer.
5 mins on a lovely level of 10 resistance. 
100% effort is needed for this still. 

Walking Lunges. 
Either with plates or a barbell. Preferably something "heavyish" that will take some of the balance aspect of this move and make it a little harder. 10kg plates either side or a 20kg Barbell. 
Start by taking a large step and leaving your back foot on the floor, bend your front knee without allowing it to travel over the toes, allow your back leg to bend with the motion dropping that knee and allowing that back foot to curl and move onto the toes. If using the Barbell keep it above your head at a wide grip. If you are using plates then keep them at your side with you arms slightly bent at the elbow to take away the pressure and weight. 
10 reps alternating leg on each Lunge, 3 sets. 

Time to go back to the Bike or Cross Trainer.
5 mins on a lovely level of 10 resistance. 
100% effort, GO ON!!!

Shoulder Press on a Cable Machine.
Grab yourself a cable machine (both sides), set either side to chest height and get yourself a straight bar. Connect it at either side and place the pin at 6kg or there abouts.
Step behind the bar so you are in the middle of the machine, take a good static stance and push the bar out in front of you with a wide or neutral hand grip (whatever you're comfortable with). Once the bar is out in front of you raise it above your head then lower to chin height with a bend at the elbow and allow the shoulders to follow and raise again, that's one rep!
3 sets of 10 reps, or on the last set to failure.

Time to go back to the Bike or Cross Trainer.
5 mins on a lovely level of 10 resistance. 
100% effort, the last part.
For the last minute two 20 second sprints with 10 second rests each.
Good Luck!

All I can say is good luck. I have done this many a time when I only have a short amount of time and running low on ideas for myself.

Let me know how you all get on with is one...

Cheers then, see ya.
Beth xoxo


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