Sunday, 2 August 2015

Baby Steps....

Recently I have had a few new clients who have never been to the gym or who only exercised during their school years. This has lead me to thinking as to why we either go off exercise as we get older or as life starts to get in the way! If anything thats when we need to be strict with ourselves. 

Let's start with the early years, when we were all in school we had to suffer mandatory PE lessons, yes they were awful and some people didn't enjoy them. Yes I was one of those sporty girls who did Athletics and Netball and I have indeed stayed sporty. Sorry not sorry. During those lessons some girls and boys just used to sit on the sidelines and watch either too "cool" or just downright lazy. Hormones playing a major part of this, body conscious teens, boys being boys, girls getting scared of their feelings and thoughts. 
If you don't find your niche at school you struggle to find it in the future dismaying you from getting into it more in later life. If anything during my time in school if hadn't found my part in Athletics then I would not be where I am today, doing what I love. 

For someone who was sporty as a young adult and child I can understand that life takes it's toll and takes over things that aren't a priority. But to be healthy and lead a long life exercise is the best and most productive method. Even if said person exercises 2 times a week and walks to work that is enough to sustain a healthy lifestyle along with sustainable eating habits. 

Let's start with someone who lacks confidence in themselves and finds that they haven't got a healthy relationship with their body. The gym or even having a personal trainer could be the best option to help them achieve their goals by building their confidence up session by session! This has become all to well know to me recently, I have since had an amazing client who signed up 3 years a go and has not used it since getting in contact with me, this client panicked when stepping through the door on her first time back and had to sit down and chat with me for an hour or so to get them through the door. Sessions are progressively getting more and more complex and taxing working alongside her confidence levels. Even just with a weekly check up text to help keep them motivated is working well, having them now in once more for either a class or a small session on their own. Considering the mass of emotions on their first visit we now have so many laughs and jokes whilst training, which has helped their confidence so much. 

By just creating baby steps we have created a healthier lifestyle and body image. 

For anything those little steps mean everything, they can be the best stages of any journey. 

That's it from me this week. 

Cheers then, see ya. 
Beth xoxo

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