Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Teeenneeeyyy Tiny Waist

Waist Training... You've seen it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Celebrities, The LOT... Anyone who is anything is jumping on this fad. Well here's the truth about it all. 

Kim Kardashian Supports Waist Trainers. 

What is a Waist Trainer supposed to do... 

- Reduces Back Pain
- Improves Posture
- Reduces Bloating
- Aids in Weight Loss

Oh wow, I'd love to do all that, well read further to see why not to!

Why do people use them? With the promise of shrinking you waist down with consecutive use for hours on end to be able to look like Kim K or her sister Khloe... 

But unlike having a healthy lifestyle and eating well people think they can cheat the hard work out of it all and just wear this constriction machine. Prolonged use of these contraptions has been shown to damage internal organs, restrict breathing and also can push the lower ribs further up the cage which could lead to penetration of the lungs (NOT WHAT WE WANT). 

In all honesty the body will not adapt to these things and after use will just return to original shape and you will has just created a whole lotta problems. In a society run by celebrities and their shape or size it is giving women and young girls the wrong impression on life and being healthy. You don't have to be a size 6 with a waist smaller than your thigh, you don't have to have a gap between your legs, you don't have to be a VS model walking the catwalk with tiny ankles that may just break if you take one more step. You don't have to just eat 1 single apple a day and starve yourself of everything. 

The only thing that is going to get your waist tiny or as small as it will taper in to is hard work, dedication and healthy eating. Yes you can splurge on the odd foods just so you're not depriving yourself of everything?! Don't think you have to conform to what celebrities are doing to get the body you deserve. 

Cheers then, See ya 
Beth xoxo


Wednesday, 16 March 2016

A Little Bit M.I.A....

As some of you have probably seen already I'm been a little bit M.I.A on the Blog front. I do have my reasons, I left my commercial gym job at a large branded gym and moved to a small private personal training studio, where I am super happy and seeing some amazing results. During my time at said commercial gym I slightly lost my way and may have been just off rock bottom, luckily enough I had a great client base and an amazingly supportive family and boyfriend. With my move I brought majority of my clients over but I did lose a few in the process but that has since built up with the fantastic support from my Team/Boss, I honestly couldn't have asked for anything more. I have since moved out of my family home and into a flat with my other half and life has just gotten so busy, but now is the time to be more proactive on this front, with busy mornings and evenings I have a few hours spare to get some serious time down on some blogs and paperwork so you will be seeing a lot more from me now, maybe some videos and chats will be happening. 

Don't forget to follow my Twitter @__Bethh and my Instagram @__Bethh for life updates and my general goings on. 

Cheers then, See ya 
© Beth Cole - Personal Training. All rights reserved.