Friday, 16 October 2015

Oh no.... I don't want to be bulky and butch....

Yep that's right ladies I'm aiming this at you!!! (Okay and some men?!) Nearly every week I have about 5 out of 10 clients tell me they don't want to get bulky or butch, always a different one each time. Lets all just take a minute to sit and think about this..... Done??

First things first, you will not get big and butch by lifting weights, well yes you will but thats with a different training style, High Volume - Low Reps combined with a appropriate diet to bulk! Yes to shift some weight you may have to lift a big heavy weight or two. Do you know why? No you don't well why the hell not?? Let me explain...

Strength training for women has been shown to decrease body fat percentage by 3% in just a matter of 10 weeks for those lifting twice a week for an hour each time. That's because you get more calorie burning pump for your time, and after you have finished your workout. A study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women who did an hour of strength training burned about 100 calories more the day following their workout than they did when they didn't lift weights. That amounts to about four and a half pounds of fat burned per year for women who lift weights three times a week! When you replace 10 pounds of fat with 10 pounds of lean muscle, you can effortlessly burn up to 50 calories a day. I mean who doesn't want that?!
Strength trying also decreases the risk of several things such as Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Weight Gain, Muscle Dystrophy etc. Healthy I know!!!

The Fear- That awful fear of looking like a bloke...
It;s common for women to fear looking manly and bulky as that is a typical thing to happen to the men during training. But due to those awful female hormones and the high presence of Oestrogen in the majority of women it will not effect the density of muscle and the size, so thus will not cause that butch look. For women to train with weights, their muscles will more be inclined for more tone, endurance and strength in stead of size. As you will hear what those female body builders go through to get in the shape of their lives, they will miss certain things that our hormones bring along due to their low body fat percentage, as their body is unable to produce oestrogen quick enough for them to be able to function as a female which is why you will see more of a definition in their muscle structure. 

So lifting a heavy weight will not make you big and bulky if the exercise is right for what you want to achieve. 

Training techniques are key when it comes to training with weights. Best exercises the enhance the female body are:
Squats (OH YEAH)
DeadLifts (Big boy stuff)
Pull Ups (Assisted of course)
Core work (That does not mean ab workouts girlies*) 

So how about giving those 4 exercises a go and see how it can change your body. 

Cheers then, see ya. 

Beth xoxo

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Training in Winter...

So everyone hates the winter right?? Well I mean it has it's perks and that, who doesn't love cosy nights in under a blanket and a nice big open fire (My favourite). 

But as everyone knows the seasons don't change the fact that we go to the gym or do they?! Studies have shown that during winter months moods and desires for training have depleted in individuals. With darker evenings and darker mornings I mean why would you want to drag yourself out of the warm sheets to be faced with the pitch black and having to de-ice your car to get to the gym! To be healthier and fit? Maybe or just so you can have a little bit more chocolate on those nights in? Yes I thought so. 

Well Winter months shouldn't change your training habits because of the mood you're in and the darker mornings and evenings. In fact it would be a great way to lift those low moods of winter. 
So here are my Top Tips for beating the Winter Training blues. 

Number 1
Grab a buddy!
Why should it be just you who has to get out of bed on a cold winter morning, why not get some motivation from a friend and train together. We all know how bad we feel when we let someone down so being lazy in bed isn't an excuse when you've arranged with "Sophie" to train at 6am to get the session done and off to work! Plus you get a bit of motivation to train when you actually get to the gym, you partner is ready you're dusting away the sleepy dust from your eyes and you're faced with the daunting task of running on the treadmill. You'll also find you try new things because you have someone to laugh with when it goes wrong. 

Number 2
Get to an early morning class. 
Spin, Pump, Combat, Yoga (yes yoga) etc, all of these classes will help your training. Group classes mean your all in the same boat trudging out of bed through the snow to get to the spin class and feel fresh and ready for the day. Another good thing about group classes you don't have to think about what you are doing someone else tells you what to do. Great huh?!

Number 3
Plan ahead. 
Always plan ahead when it comes to training, so that way you can't get all comfy in bed when the alarm sounds. If you have to set 3/4 alarms to get up! DO IT! 

Number 4
Wear warm training gear... Always a good one. Even if you pack on the layers and shed them off when you get to the gym you'll be all toasty and warm ready to face that treadmill (AHHHH)! 

Number 5 
If you are a coffee drinker like me! Drink away, its a great Pre-Work Out. That caffeine will hit you and you'll be smashing those PB's by 6am!!! 

Number 6
Those BIG hearty comfort food meals in the evening, make them healthy! Casseroles with plenty of veg and meat, open top pies, stews, soups.... The lot!! Make them from scratch so you know exactly whats going in them. 

That's all from me for today. Make the most of winter, those Christmas and New Years parties are just around the corner. 

Cheers then, See ya. 

Beth xoxo
© Beth Cole - Personal Training. All rights reserved.